The Way to Expert (Extreme,Cisco,Bulecoat,Checkpoint,Fortinet,SonicWall,Websense,Netasq,Trendmicro,English,...).Nhận dạy luyện thi TOEIC cho các cá nhân,tập thể hoặc nhóm từ 5 người trở lên,được cập nhật những tài liệu TOEIC mới nhất,sát với đề thi thực tế một cách miễn phí . CellPhone : 0932181386 ; Yahoo : nguyenquang_hung ; Skype : nqhung0310

Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 7, 2010

Replacing a Submirror in a Mirror

The Process of Replacing a Submirror in a Mirror( Created by HungNQ_SVTech)

1.make sure that you have root privilege and you that a current backup off all data

2. use the metastat command to view the status of the Raid-1 volume and associated submirrors

# metatstat mirror-nam

3.use the metadetach, metaclear, metatinit, and metattach commands to replace an entrie submirror

a) Use the metadetach command to the failed submirror from the mirror

# metadetach –f mirror-name submirror

-f force the detach to occur

Mirror-name : name of mirror

Submirror : submirror to detach

b) Use metaclear to delete the submirror

Metaclear –f submirror

c) Use metainit to create a new submirror

# metainit volume-name number-of-stripes components-per-stripe component-name

Volume-name : ten cua volume duoc tao ra

Number-of-stripes : so tripes can tao ra

Components –per-stripe : so luong components tren moi tripe can co

Component –name : ten cua component ma duoc su dung

d) Use the metattach command to attach the new submirror

#metatach mirror submirror

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