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Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 9, 2010

Subjunctive (Câu Giả Định)


The following is a mini-tutorial on the use of the Subjunctive. After you have studied the tutorial, complete the associated exercises. If you already know how to use this verb form, you can skip the explanation and go directly to the exercises.

Use the simple form of the verb. The simple form is the infinitive without the "to." The simple form of the verb "to go" is "go." The Subjunctive is only noticeable in certain forms and tenses.

The Subjunctive is used to emphasize urgency or importance. It is used after certain expressions (see below).


* I suggest that he study.
* Is it essential that we be there?
* Don recommended that you join the committee.


The Subjunctive is only noticeable in certain forms and tenses. In the examples below, the Subjunctive is not noticeable in the you-form of the verb, but it is noticeable in the he-form of the verb.


* You try to study often. you-form of "try"
* It is important that you try to study often. Subjunctive form of "try" looks the same.

* He tries to study often. he-form of "try"
* It is important that he try to study often. Subjunctive form of "try" is noticeable here.

Verbs Followed by the Subjunctive

The Subjunctive is used after the following verbs:

to advise (that) khuyên bảo
to ask (that) hỏi,xin,yêu cầu
to command (that) ra lệnh,chỉ huy,điều khiển
to demand (that) yêu cầu
to desire (that) mong muốn,ao ước,khao khát(đôi khi còn nghĩa là ra lệnh)
to insist (that) cứ nhất định,khăng khăng đòi
to propose (that) đề nghị,đề xuất,đưa ra
to recommend (that) khuyến cáo,khuyên
to request (that) thỉnh cầu,yêu cầu ,đề nghị
to suggest (that) gợi ý
to urge (that) thúc giục,xúi giục
to order (that) chỉ dẫn
to prefer (that)thích hơn
to require (that) đòi hỏi,yêu cầu
to stipulate (that) quy định,đặt điều kiện
to decree (that) ra xách lệnh,chỉ thị


* Dr. Smith asked that Mark submit his research paper before the end of the month.
* Donna requested Frank come to the party.
* The teacher insists that her students be on time.

Expressions Followed by the Subjunctive

The Subjunctive is used after the following expressions:

It is best (that) tốt nhất là
It is crucial (that) tính cốt lõi là
It is desirable (that) mong muốn,ao ước là
It is essential (that) cần thiết là
It is imperative (that) tính cấp bách,khẩn cấp là
It is important (that) tính quan trọng là
It is recommended (that) khuyến cáo là
It is urgent (that) việc xúi giục rằng
It is vital (that) tính quan trọng (mang tính chất sống còn )
It is a good idea (that) ý kiến(ý tưởng) tốt
It is a bad idea (that) ý kiến (ý tưởng ) tồi
It is advised (that) được khuyên rằng
It is necessary (that)
It is obligatory (that) điều bắt buộc là
It is proposed (that)
It is required (that)
It is suggested (that)


* It is crucial that you be there before Tom arrives.
* It is important she attend the meeting.
* It is recommended that he take a gallon of water with him if he wants to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Negative, Continuous and Passive Forms of Subjunctive

The Subjunctive can be used in negative, continuous and passive forms.

Negative Examples:

* The boss insisted that Sam not be at the meeting.
* The company asked that employees not accept personal phone calls during business hours.
* I suggest that you not take the job without renegotiating the salary.

Passive Examples:

* Jake recommended that Susan be hired immediately.
* Christine demanded that I be allowed to take part in the negotiations.
* We suggested that you be admitted to the organization.

Continuous Examples:

* It is important that you be standing there when he gets off the plane.
* It is crucial that a car be waiting for the boss when the meeting is over.
* I propose that we all be waiting in Tim's apartment when he gets home.

Should as Subjunctive

After many of the above expressions, the word "should" is sometimes used to express the idea of subjunctiveness. This form is used more frequently in British English and is most common after the verbs "suggest," "recommend" and "insist."


* The doctor recommended that she should see a specialist about the problem.
* Professor William suggested that Wilma should study harder for the final exam.

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